So my question was……..Who holds the key to your heart?
I was going to post something yesterday about Valentine’s, and the one who has my heart, my sweet husband, Matt. He had been gone all week on business out in Los Angeles, California, and we were both worn out. I decided it was more important to have a quiet weekend and worry about posting to my blog today. Then it got me thinking, we make such a big deal over telling the ones we love how much we love them on this specific day. And why, because retailers of all types can make a buck or two off of this day, and they do! There is nothing wrong with that, but for me, I want to tell and show the ones I love that I love them 365 days a year. So writing today makes even more sense and has more meaning for me. This man God has blessed me with is amazing! I know a lot of women feel this way about their partner/spouse/soulmate and yes, I’m the same way! Our story is special, unique and all our own!
We met when I was 16 years old, he was 19 years old, married 3 years later on August 2, 1980. We had a beautiful girl in 1983 who we loved so. Life went sideways, and so did we, divorcing in 1985. I’m so very thankful God had other plans for us! We were divorced for 2 years, living in 2 different states, and God spoke to our hearts. So on July 9, 1987 we remarried. Life hasn’t been easy, but it’s been so worth the fight. We have 4 children total now, the last three are boys. The two older ones are married, and we have one grand love.
Marriage isn’t easy, one the hardest things in life as far as I’m concerned besides raising kids! But we’re committed! So when I say I think we should celebrate the ones we love everyday, you understand why. We aren’t promised tomorrow!
I love you more, my sweet love! Thank you for your love, support and unconditional love daily! I couldn’t do this life without you!
And so I’ll share my Valentine’s from my sweet love with you! I get a poem like this on this wonderful occasion, and it’s so very special to me! This is who has my HEART!

Valentines Day 2016 (thesilverstylist Edition)
It’s Valentines Day, and I’m writing once more
This once-a-year poem I hope you’ll adore
With all of the love I can possibly muster,
It can’t seem forced or the least bit lackluster
You’ve given a year that’s been one of your best
Can’t count the lives that you selflessly blessed
With unlimited minutes and intensive Facebooking
Encouraging, loving without overlooking
Your family that’s growing and a husband who’s logging
The content and grammar of your classy new blogging
Amazing you manage to balance your stuff with
Family and fashion with just enough fluff meant
To keep us all guessing what your new post will feature
Or how you’ll dress Frankie and the things that you’ll teach her,
Belts matching shoes, lips and nails flashing streaks of
Colors and styles blushing faces rosy cheeks of
Everyone looking the best they can be
Your mission, your purpose, anyone can see
Is to love and help others with prayers and advice
Encourage and wardrobe at less than list price
So keep posting and writing with stunning new poses
And accept this lame poem instead of some roses
I’ll promise to proofread and fix all of your errors
And promote, searching widely for Instagram sharers.
Photography by http://getsmoorephotos.com