Fragrance…’s so personal yet universal. The majority of the women I know wear it. There are those who think it should be subtle and faint, others who think it should announce your arrival before you are ever seen. Whichever group you fall into, there are a few things that are good to know about fragrance.
There are variations in the level of lasting and staying power between Eau de Cologne, Eau de Toilet, Eau de Perfume and Perfume. Also, the majority of fragrance in the market today has 3 notes. There is a Top Note, Middle Note and Base Note.
The Top Note is what you smell when you first apply your perfume, the blend of all the ingredients that makes up that fragrance. This scent only lasts a minute or so. The Middle Note comes as the molecules change and begin to evaporate. As it emerges, this is what most feel is the Heart of the scent and lasts for up to an hour. The Base Note arrives as the middle note fades, a process also known as the Dry Down Period. This is the essence of the fragrance, the Soul. There are fixatives added to add to help with longevity of the scent.
What fragrance you choose smells like it does on you because of certain factors that only you have. (whether you have oily or dry skin, where your hormones are at, your age, what you eat, and what skin products you use.) That is why it is important as we mature to know these things…so we are able to reevaluate what we are wearing and if it still smells like it did when we first fell in love with it.
This brings up an interesting fact about many of the women I know. They have found what they love, and they wear it the majority of their lives. This is not always a good idea due to all the wonderful changes we as women are going through or have gone through. I myself love changing it up!
I like seeing what’s new during the holiday seasons, Christmas, Valentine’s, Mother’s Day and Father’s Day. I have a tradition with my Love. We go out and look at what is new. My husband picks 3 he likes in the Men’s fragrance and I pick the 3 I’m drawn to, then we go back and purchase for each other. This year what I melted over was Tom Ford’s White Suede.

It’s what I obsessed over last year, deciding it was out of my league price wise. This time I decided to take the plunge, and oh how amazing I smell and feel! Any one of Tom Ford’s lovely fragrances is worth every penny! Ask my husband! There is something about the scent of a woman, his woman that he truly loves. But I say I’m the blessed One!