Spring fling! Signs of spring are all around! There are trees budding and blooming down the main roads near my home. I really like the cherry blossom trees (one of my favorites), and the pear trees look pretty, but sadly don’t smell the same. The daffodils in my yard are all up, and I love driving up my driveway and seeing all the different shades of yellow! It brings a smile to my face.
As the season changes, so does my wardrobe! This season is a little different for a couple of reasons. First, I’m watching my sweet granddaughter twice a week. She keeps me on my toes, and I try and get her out as much as possible and as long as the weather permits. Yes, now that the weather is nicer, we are out running errands and then off to the local parks for her to play, swing and just run out some energy. I’m glad we live where we do, because there are so many parks and trails in and around the city of Atlanta.
The second reason is this season I’m trying to be more conscience of taking better care of myself, and that means being more active. I think we as moms and mimi’s (grandmothers) tend to take care of others before we take the time to take care of ourselves. I remember when my kids were little, being so tired and just not having the energy to do anything other then be a mom and keep the house picked up. Now that my children are older and grown, I have a wee bit more time but not near the stamina. That is changing though, and exercise is giving more energy. I feel better when I can get out and walk and use some light weights. It’s amazing how it will brighten up your mindset on a dreary day too. Those chemicals in your brain that are released are like a little antidepressant. I know personally I feel so much better when I’ve exercised, and WOW do I look at things (in general) in a much more positive light.
How is this impacting my wardrobe? Well, let me say I like Athleisure and work out gear, but I don’t want to look like I just left the gym every day. And that is no offense to those who wear that most days. I’ve been trying to put together outfits based on my footwear and comfort for chasing after a 3-year-old. And today’s look is based off of my Vans. These leather hightop Vans are fun for park outings, comfortable to walk in, and I feel put together to run errands. I pulled out a black floral sweatshirt, that I can wear by itself or layered by adding a blouse under it. My red high-waisted denim pants are bright and cheery. They fit my body type so well with my smaller waist and curvier thighs. A large satchel bag in this nude beige color was added to the rest of the accessories which are all more of a neutral color. I like the way they POP against the color from the sweatshirt and denim.
If you have followed me any length of time, you know I can’t stay too long in one particular look. I’m all over the map when it comes to fashion – that’s what makes it so fun. What I wear isn’t for everyone! What I do hope you take away from here is you can dress anyway you please, because you know who you are, or in my case, you are slowly figuring it out.
Photographer/Chloe Enos
Sweatshirt/Black Floral (sold out) similar here /H&M
Denim/High Waisted similar here and here/Nordstrom
Belt/similar here and here/Nordstrom
Shoes/High top Vans (sold out) similar here and here
Wallet/Wren Street/Radley
Necklace/similar here
Earrings/similar here