Greetings to everyone! I’ve been out of commission since last Monday. I hurt my knee while I was walking and what a bad time to injure myself. The only thing I could do was keep it elevated with an ice pack. Being still is not something I do well. I made it through the week even with a couple of events and a lovely lunch with a dear friend yesterday.
My daughter and her family are still with us, patiently waiting for their house to be finished. I know it’s hard for them to be displaced at this time of year. Hopefully it will be completed before Christmas, and they will get moved in. Until then, we keep busy with Frankie. She is an artist in the making as well as a musician. We’re enjoying watching her grow in both these areas.
Can you believe Christmas is a little over 2 weeks away?
Are you running like crazy to get it all done this time of year? I know so many that feel the pressure to have it all together and perfect. And I know a lot of people do, but it can be a struggle for most of us. I think the best way to enjoy this season is not to get wound up over things. When my kids were younger, we spent so much time shopping and wrapping. I was always up on Christmas Eve and into Christmas morning, getting everything ready. Looking back to Christmas morning, it took 5 minutes to rip into everything, and then it was done. Most Christmas days all I could think about was laying down to take a nap. I don’t think the kids remember much about the gifts. They do remember eating “Big Breakfast” which would consist of fresh fruit, cinnamon rolls, breakfast casserole, orange juice and treats from their Christmas stockings. I look back, and it was wonderful to be together! I can’t believe how fast time has passed from then until now.
Such sweet memories!
It is a busy time of year as far as work goes with everyone wanting to look their best. I spend a lot of time in the car chasing from one place to the next.
Wearing clothes that don’t look like you have sat in the car all day is huge for me. That’s why I’m a fan of denim.
This outfit was supposed to go with me to Germany but didn’t arrive in time. I’m really glad to have been able to wear it now though. It’s HURRAY for knits, because they are so comfortable and great for travel. Whether its out of town travel (they pack easily and come out looking perfect) or travel in town or to the office. This knit vest and trousers combo won’t disappoint you. It doesn’t look like I sat in it all day, when that is exactly what I did.
This silky soft blouse in blush is a good color to wear in any season. I’m really pale now during winter, and this color of pink gives my skin a soft glow.
You know how I like my heels, but with my knee issues and lots of chasing around, flats were a necessary item this week.
I’m carrying a backpack, its easy and frees my hands up. I’ve had this one for a while and really like the size. I can fit what I need to carry, and it’s so gracious on my back.
The over arching theme this week in my life has been trying to be patient. And I’m learning this Christmas season to do just that.
So keep it simple this Holiday Season and make it easy on yourself (and your family). The simple things are really the important things, you know.
This outfit was kindly gifted by Chico’s
Photographer/Sam Moore
Blouse/Silky Soft Shirt-Bella Pink/Chico’s
Necklace/similar here/Chico’s
Earrings/similar here/Chico’s
Bracelet/similar here/Chico’s
Backpack/similar here/Nordstrom
Flats/similar here and here/Nordstrom