Short Suit, yeah you heard me right! You say, “it’s different?” Absolutely, I’m not one to go with the crowd. If you have followed me for any length of time, you know I don’t stick with anything too terribly long. I get bored easily.
Sssshhhhh, don’t tell my husband that! Actually, I have been divorced and remarried to the same wonderful man. I realized there are certain things in life I can’t live without, and he is one of them. I’m extremely thankful I get to do life with him, and we both understand that. We wouldn’t have our three boys if we hadn’t remarried. I couldn’t even begin to imagine what life would be like, nor do I want to try. I had to do a lot of growing up and reevaluating who I was. I’m grateful to God for a second chance and also to be able to share our story of reconcilation. Someday I’ll write it out and share it with you all. It was a hard place to be in life, but I wouldn’t trade it for anything. Hard times have shaped and molded me into the person I am today, and there is no shame here.
And speaking of no shame, I have none in wearing shorts. Do I think I have great legs? No, not really, but I’m okay with me. I’ve had people make a lot of negative comments to me on a many number of things. If this is not for you, I’m perfectly fine with that. What I wear is not for everyone, but what I may ask is just please don’t be rude. I’m here to try and encourage everyone at any age to be who you are. And be good with that. There is a great deal of freedom in figuring that out. When you begin to understand and accept who you are, you can start learning to like and even love yourself.
When I work with clients, one of the first questions I ask is “what do you like about yourself?” it’s alway interesting to hear what people say and sad to hear quite a few say “nothing.” Finding that one thing or in some cases several is where I like to start. I want to help you play up what you like, and we’ll work on camouflaging what you don’t. I think any good stylist should do that. I’m here to help others, not dictate. Now if you ask my opinion, I will be truthful.
Back to the topic of the Short Suit. I like shorts, and if you don’t and live in Hotlanta, you’re in for a long hard summer. The heat hangs out here much longer than its welcome, but here’s my take on a transition suit for the warm fall.
I picked up this jacket when I was heading out of town to go to Florida. It’s always cold on the plane, and the jacket was an easy fix. I figured I would put it to good use as we went into fall. This jacket has already been worn with a graphic tee, a denim skirt, a white poplin blouse, and white denim pants.
I was really excited when I found the matching shorts as I was out running around a couple weeks ago.
The sweater tee is from Loft and was purchased at the beginning of summer. The mix of stripes and color was different from anything I had in my closet. It is notched out at the end of the side seams, so it looks good untucked, half tucked or all tucked in. The sweater is on major sale now.
I grabbed the yellow bag, because everything clothes-wise had a straight line, so why not add a round bag to the mix. And the sweater has a couple yellow lines too.
My new favorite sneaker line, Golden Goose Deluxe Brand sneakers, are great to run around in the city. They are stylish as well as comfortable. I’m not a happy person to be around when my feet hurt.
But I am very happy with this short suit as we move into fall. How do you feel about shorts this time of years?
Photographer/Chloe Enos
Jacket/Textured-weave Jacket/H&M
Shorts/Paper-bag shorts/H&M
Top/(on sale) Mixed Stripe Tee/Loft
Silk Scarf/similar here/Nordstrom
Golden Goose Deluxe Brand Sneakers/similar here/Revolve
Earrings/Large Gold Hoop/Nordstrom
Round Satchel/similar here/Nordstrom