The month of April is always a fun month at our house. For starters, it’s the month my first child was born in 1983. What a day that was – from the time my water broke until the time I held this precious baby girl was a total of 5 hours. That’s fast for a first baby, and It seems like time has moved at lightning speed since that day. It’s strange how fast the time has flown! My sweet girl turned 34 years old yesterday. Can you believe I have a 34 year old? I can’t!
We normally all get together for birthdays, and it’s always been a big celebration. It used to be a week long festivity, but as the kids have gotten older and busier, it’s not quite that long. This week, since Easter is so close to her birthday, we will celebrate on Sunday when we will meet at my parents’ house.
As a mom I couldn’t let the day go by without a little celebration. I think it was a little bit more for me than it was for her. My mom and I ran a few errands, and then we headed to see the birthday girl!
When we got to her house, my sweet grand daughter, Frankie Rae was asleep, but it wasn’t long before she was up from her nap. Frankie was excited to tell us she was going to color easter eggs and wanted to know if we would stay to help. This Mimi and Grand Nana couldn’t pass up an invitation to do anything with this little one. I hope this will be the first of many Easter egg coloring events I’m ask to attend for my grand love. How cool is it to use this large whisk to help color the eggs? I can’t tell you how easy it was for her to dip the egg in the colors. My daughter had seen this on the internet, and both Nana and I thought what a brilliant idea! I believe next time I color eggs this will be the technique I use. I don’t know about you, but I never could understand how a child was supposed to use that little wire ring to color eggs and not make a mess. I even struggled with that when my kids were young.

Pastels are fun colors to wear for Easter as well. And yesterday’s outfit was no exception! This Easy Pull Over Sweater in this soft green is from Lilla P. It’s a wonderful light weight sleeveless sweater for this time of year. I have also worn it as a vest with a peach blouse under it. I like the versatility of being able to wear it several different ways. I paired it yesterday with mauve denim and blush flats and necklace.
So here’s to my girl, who made me so happy by making me a momma 34 years ago and a Mimi 2 years ago. You made me proud today to see the amazing momma you are by coloring eggs on your birthday and making it a fun day for your little girl. Happy Birthday Jessica!
Next week we get to celebrate another Birthday!
I hope you all have a very Happy Easter!
Top/ Tape Yarn Sweater Easy Pull Over /Lilla P
Denim/(old) similar here and here
Necklace / (old) similar here
Belt/(old) similar here
Earrings/ Laurel Hoop Earrings /Chicos