I want to wish all the wonderful women out there Peace, Love & Happiness on Mother’s Day!
There are so many things I have had the opportunity to do throughout my life, but nothing compares to being a mom to my 4 kids.
I haven’t always gotten it right. In fact I did a lot of things wrong, but in spite of it all, my kids have loved me unconditionally.
It’s been the most rewarding job but not in the way you might think. You learn so much about yourself when you have children – how selfish I was and still am. The reward I have received is the desire to be a better me for my kids!
I’ve also learned~
That the small things in life no one sees you do are what matter.
To be quiet and listen!
To try and encourage, not discourage.
Love unconditionally.
Consistency is tough and not popular but pays off in the long run.
And learning to say “I’m sorry, I’m not always right” is very freeing…it’s the truth most days.
So if you feel you’re failing miserably, it’s okay…we have all felt that way, and you will make it…. you are a good mother.
You are loved!
Happy Mother’s Day!
P.S. I love you Mom!
I hope I’ve made you proud, and I thank you for all your prayers!

Photography//Sam Moore//getsmoorephotos.com