Being able to do what you love and love what you do truly is a dream!

Last weekend I had the privilege of heading to Knoxville, Tennessee to help a friend of 40 years shop and prepare for her wedding in Maui, Hawaii. What a great time we had! We literally shopped till we dropped on Saturday and got up on Sunday and did it all again! Along with a new summer wardrobe, I did a complete makeover!
What fun!

The most rewarding part of doing what I do is seeing the look on someone’s face after their makeup has been revamped! ‘’WOW, is that really me’’? And a lot of what’s been done are just little things; like contouring, highlighting or the right shade of foundation. Most of the time with cosmetics it’s small or minor areas that need to be tweaked, but these areas can be game-changers!

If you are fortunate to work a job that you really love or with people you really love, then it’s really not work at all!
Photography//Sam Moore//getsmoorephotos.com
Tee//TJ Maxx
Denim Jacket//Gap
Platform Sandals//Vintage//Nine West
Necklace//Charming Charlie