Keep moving……. that is what I tell myself every morning I get up to go walk or do some form of exercise. I wasn’t always like this. When I was in my teens, that’s when Jane Fonda workouts had just come out. And everyone was talking about them. I wasn’t really an athlete, so I wasn’t concerned with working out. That’s what I thought, you had to have a reason for working out. It wasn’t until I had my daughter in 1983 and put on a little weight with the pregnancy. I then realized I needed to have some type of workout/fitness plan for my life. I joined Weight Watchers and started walking. And it worked really well! I followed the same plan with each one of my children. The stroller got bigger, and that gave me more weight to push as I walked. I also went through a period when I worked out at a gym that my husband and I had joined. That’s when I finally understood how you could actually become obsessed with working out. I worked out a couple of hours each day. It gave me a break from the kids as the gym that we joined had a nursery. When all the kids were finally in school, I started working part time, and there was no time to go to the gym. I went back to walking, because it was free! All four kids played a sport, so there definitely wasn’t any money to put into a gym.
This has been my fitness routine for the majority of my life. It’s worked well for me, but I see as I’m aging that I need to take better care of my body and work a little harder. I’ve started working out my arms and back with light weights. I need to strengthen and tone those areas. You don’t realize until you have a little age on you that your body is important to you. I’m learning to listen more to my body. I’ve added more vitamins and supplements to help, along with eating clean.
I can honestly say that walking has been a lifesaver during Covid. It’s not only kept me physically fit, but by being able to get out and exercise, it’s helped me emotionally. My body isn’t what it used to be, but that’s okay. This body of mine’s been a wonderful thing. It’s carried me 59 years, and God willing, will continue to carry me many more years to come.
Sports Bra/here
Shorts/similar here
Running Shoes/similar here
Apple Watch/here