Goodness, where do I begin? So many things have changed since the last time I posted on the blog.
First off my house is full! We have added 3 and a half more family members to our home. My daughter, son-in-law and granddaughter have moved in with us. (And we are going to welcome a grandson in the beginning of January.) They sold their house very quickly and are building a new one. They moved in the Friday before we left for Germany (which was a Sunday.) I’ll post more about the Germany and Amsterdam trip in another post. We did have a lovely time there with great weather. The day we left Germany the weather turned cold and dropped to the mid 30’s. I was happy to bid Dusseldorf farewell and head on back to a little warmer climate. That afternoon as the plane touched down in Atlanta it was a perfect 71 degrees.
When I got home that Sunday afternoon, we visited with the kids and got caught up with how they were. The next day I hit the ground running. We made the menu for the week. It’s been a while since I have made a menu plan for the week. Lets face it, when there is only two to cook for, it doesn’t take much to decide on what we’re having. Sometimes it’s a sandwich or cheese, crackers and a glass of wine. That, for me, has been one of the big adjustments to having an empty nest! And just as I was getting used to the new routine, Bam! It changes.
Change is good! And I’m embracing it.
In all that was going on it was easy to head into my closet and shop what I have. And that’s exactly what I did. That’s how I put together today’s look.
This suit I got back in the spring. I wore it here and decided I’d make it work for fall.
We should try and make the majority of what we have work year round. It’s making the most out of your investment.
I also think it’s important to know what’s in your closet too. There are so many people who don’t know what they have to work with at home. It makes it a challenge when you’re shopping, because half of what I do is try and think of how many different ways I can wear a new article of clothing I’m looking at.
I know the suits I have at home. This particular one is a great weight for the weather we have here. I found a very similar one and linked it down below for you.
I picked the blouse up about a month ago, and it was $18 (and its still available.)
The rest of this look is put together from pieces I already had.
I like the light blue and red combination!
I’m also thankful for the red sunglasses. I had eye surgery 5 days ago, and they help cover the fact that I have 9 more days with no makeup on my incisions. You can check out what I had done on Instagram. After my eyes heal and I get all my pictures taken, I will write a post about the whole experience. I will say, I am kicking myself for waiting as long as I did to get my eyes done. It really has been a breeze! And what a difference it has made in my vision.
The world looks a lot brighter now!
Photographer/Chloe Enos
Trousers/similar here/Nordstrom
Blouse/Smocked Blouse/H&M
Belt/similar here/Bloomingdale’s
Booties/similar here and here/Nordstrom
Sunnies/similar here/Nordstrom
Earrings/similar here/Nordstrom