I enjoy getting dressed up, doing my hair and wearing makeup each day. It makes me feel better – It’s definitely a psychological thing for me.
Here recently I’ve been shopping my closet. I’ve never really enjoyed online shopping, but my daughter on the other hand loves it. And yes, I do it, but not with the joy and enthusiasm I get by actually getting out and shopping.
I like running my hand over the different fabrics and looking at the quality and construction of each piece of clothing before I make a purchase. I guess I picked this up from my Momma. She was a Home Economics major in college. It’s no longer a course you can major in these days. She learned to make her own patterns, design clothes, reupholster furniture and keep an organized house etc. among other things. Learning to do all these things made her a stickler on looking at how a garment is put together.
This virus has kind of robbed me of the joy of browsing, looking and just enjoying being out. I feel like when you go out now, it’s more like a reconnaissance mission (you get in, find what you need and hurry up and get out FAST.)
Hence, that’s why I’ve been shopping my closet. I can pretend I’m out shopping. And what I’ve been going to are the feminine floral dresses like this one. These particular dresses are all sold out, but I’ve gathered a few that are similar and added them down below. There are big sales going on too.
I want to show you a couple of different ways to wear these dresses. Being able to get the most wear out of a garment and change it up several different ways make it a much more worthy investment to me. I think this is important to think about these days.
I think being able to be flexible with the clothes that you have will give you more to choose from, as well as longevity with what you have. You should ask yourself a couple questions when you find something you like. Do I have anything that is similar to this in my closet? If so, how often have I worn it? Can I wear this with what I already have at home? How many different ways can I wear it? How could this be worn year round?
I’m finding that shopping my closet is challenging, fun and rewarding these days. It gives me something to look forward to each morning after I work out and eat breakfast. It’s one of the little things in life I’m learning to enjoy.
Thank you for stopping by and following along!
I’d love to know where you are finding joy these days? You can leave me note down below.
Yellow Floral Dress/similar here, High Top Converse/similar here, Woven Bag/similar here, Black Bootie Shoes/similar here, Belt Bag/similar here, Black Hat/similar here
Black Floral Dress/similar here, Earrings/here, Basket bag/similar here, Van Sneakers/similar here, Pink Sweater/similar here, Pink Backpack/similar here, White Booties/similar here
Pink Floral Dress/similar here and here Straw Bag/similar here and here, Hat/similar here and here, White Trainors/similar here, here and here, Pink Blazer/similar here, Brown Belt/similar here, Gold Clutch/similar here, Brown Bootie Shoes/similar here, Textured gold Hoops/similar here, Sunnies/similar here