Fashion is a form of expression. One of the coolest things about being a stylist is helping others find their voice to be able to express who they are through what they wear. Sometimes it’s just a little help with tweaking their wardrobe.
For example, Sally has worked in corporate America since she got out of college. She has married and continued to work. Sally just had her first baby and will stay home but wants to feel put together in her new role as momma. She won’t be wearing her designer clothes but needs help deciding what is practical for her as she takes care of her sweet baby. She wants to feel good about herself and confident about her new role.
Then there is Cara. She has 3 kids and has worked a semi part-time job. She has worked to help out with all the activities her kids have been in as they have been growing up. One of the kids will graduate college this year and one will be starting college. The last of her children will graduate next year. She finally has time to breath and do a few things for herself. Her husband wants her to go on a few trips with his business, but she hasn’t shopped for clothes for something like that in forever. She doesn’t even know what’s in fashion, let alone what size she really is. Her family has been her life, but now she realizes that she is in a new season. She needs to figure out her new identity, as a mom of adult kids but wants to be more put together, as she gets to travel. She might even take up tennis.
Being able to help people navigate these times through their wardrobe and express themselves is what is the most rewarding to me. To some degree, I’ve been in the same boat as both Sally and Cara, and I am able to give them some encouraging guidance. They feel like they are in a unique situation, but when helping them they realize they’re not alone, and more importantly, they can find self confidence and style in the current chapter of their lives! The excitement on their faces as they see what they can be and wear gives me so much joy. Loving and helping others is what life is all about!
If you’re in a similar place in your life where you need some guidance and help on fashion and your wardrobe, I’d love to help! Please contact me via email –
Photography/Sam Moore
Jacket/Bi-Color Jacquard Jacket (on sale)/Chico’s
Blouse/No Iron Linen Pocket Shirt / Chico’s
Pant/Striped Girlfriend Ankle Jean /Chico’s
Shoe/Sam Edelman Nude Pumps / similar here & here
Necklace/Ashlee Multi-Strand Necklace /Chico’s
Earrings/Ashlee Clip-On Earring /Chico’s
Bracelet/ Large Turquoise (similar here) /Chico’s
Bracelet/ Small Turquoise /Chico’s
Bracelet/Girlfriend Green Powerbead Bracelet /Chico’s
Bag/ (old) Similar here