I’ve always been a lover of denim. I guess you could say that working for Gap for 23 years could do that. I really loved it long before I went to work for them though, which was an added bonus. I became a fan when I was having my family. It was when all the moms were wearing these matching sweat suits. I know some of you ladies remember this time in the mid to late 80’s. I had a hard time getting on board with the sweat suit craze, even though my weight was up due to having kids. I decided I would buy one pair of denim. I would wear them until they got too big, and I’d then go buy the next size down. I would do this until I got back down to my preferred weight (although I wonder, do we ever get back to that preferred weight? I’ll leave that for another discussion) I also wanted to feel somewhat normal again by at least being able to tuck a top or shirt in. The maternity clothes back then were nothing like they are today; we looked at times like we wore a pup tent. So to be able to tuck something in was huge, and denim was great about holding your bits and pieces in a little better then the average trouser or sweatsuit. So my LOVE for denim was born! I feel the same way about it today, especially the part about holding my bits and pieces together. Denim has also become extremely comfortable, and you’re able to wear it for the most part anytime anywhere.

So on to heels – I really like them with denim! I like the way I feel when I wear heels. I feel more dressed up, I stand taller, with my head held higher, and they actually make me taller! Anything that’s going to elongate me and my body, I’m all for!

Here’s the outfit of the day!
How do you feel about Denim & Heels?
What’s your favorite way to wear them?
Photography//Sam Moore//getsmoorephotos.com
Sleeveless Tee// Forever 21
Necklace//Forever 21
Denim//Always Straight//Gap
Sandals//Nude&Rosegold//Jessica Simpson
Watch//Michael Kors