Christmas is over, and it feels weird writing this. There is always such a big lead up to Christmas, and then it’s over in a flash!
This year, in the midst of the craziness, yours truly has received the lovely gift of a head cold! Ugh. I’m the one who’s always saying, “wash your hands and use hand sanitizer.” My family would say that if I would allow my immune system to build up, I wouldn’t get sick. I’m still thinking I would have gotten the flu If I hadn’t taken care of myself.
(A great topic always up for discussion at my house!)
I am however on to bigger and better things like New Year’s Eve! This year I’m really quite giddy about going out for New Year’s Eve. In previous years my sweet hubs has wanted to eat early and get home to usher in the New Year. And this has always been fine with me. But this year I suggested that we have a nice meal and stay downtown to welcome in the New Year. Well, my man took the suggestion and ran with it. We’re planning to eat at the Polaris, a restaurant on top of the Hyatt Regency. It slowly rotates, giving a beautiful panoramic view of downtown Atlanta! Not only does it have a view like no other, it has good food, or so I’ve been told! I’ll let you know after my meal on New Year’s Eve! We’re planning on ubering around, and I’m hoping we can find a place to listen to live music!
So the question is always “What to wear on New Year’s?”
Down below I’ve rounded up a “Look Book” for you!
This year I figured this out really early on, because I guess I wasn’t looking for anything for New Year’s when I found this jacket! I added the leatherette pants, which I’ve had for a while. I got them 6 years back and have worn them a lot. (A great item to add to your wardrobe.)
My suede booties were a purchase this year from a Nordstrom sale. I have enjoyed wearing them with skirts, because they fit so snug around the ankle.
A fun sparkle bag finishes the look! This bag has silver glitter and hot pink stars that float around on either side of it. Accessories are always a great way to add another layer of texture to your look. It’s hard to believe 2017 is almost over, but I am truly excited about this weekend and how we’re going to begin 2018!
Bag/similar here and here/Nordstrom
Earrings/similar here/Nordstrom