The holidays are coming full speed ahead – can you believe it will be Thanksgiving next week?
I sure can’t!
And with the holidays come lots of pictures. Or at least that’s how it is at my house. In fact we try to get a picture during Thanksgiving or shortly thereafter that can be used on our Christmas cards. Or New Year’s cards, it all depends on how fast I get a jump on getting the pictures taken.
I always want to look my best… fresh and rested. I’m so very fortunate to have partnered with Atlanta Face & Body and Dr. Elizabeth Whitaker. Last time I had checked in with you all on the blog, I had gone to Dr. Whitaker to take care of my “11” lines between my eyes. Those lines had been there forever from squinting as a kid to see the chalkboard and refusing to wear my glasses. Dr. Whitaker also did a couple of injections around my eyes to soft my smile lines too. I’ve also have had a little Beltero under my eyes and Voluma along my cheek bone. You can see the results in the first 4 pictures.
I was really happy with the results from this, but like all filler and botox, it’s not permanent and needs to be retouched periodically. I headed back in to see all my friends at Atlanta Face & Body about a month in a half ago. I knew I was going to be traveling in October, and the kids would be living with me through November, so I wanted to get this knocked off my list. Although the down time is nearly nothing when dealing with filler and botox.
One of the things I love about Dr. Whitaker is that she is consummate perfectionist. She is always wanting to improve on her already amazing work. When we met this day, I told her I liked the way the botox had softened the lines between my brows. I also wanted to know if she could soften the lines more by adding a little filler there. She said that wouldn’t be a problem. She also suggested adding some Vobella around the nasolabial folds lines around my mouth. This happens with age when we loose elasticity in our skin and muscle tone in our face. In order to do this, she had to apply some numbing cream to those areas before injecting them. That white cream is the bomb and allows this procedure to be painless.
I’m really pleased with the results, and I look forward to all the upcoming holiday pictures.
I’d also like to thank Atlanta Face & Body for sponsoring this post.
If you live in the Atlanta Area make sure to take a look at the coupon below!